Sunday, August 20, 2006

goodbye california, hello london!

Hi everyone!
Hokay, so I'm back to blogging, which is weird since I haven't used xanga in two years (so embarassing!). Hopefully, this time around, I'll be less cheesy (no more posting up song lyrics!) and use less exclamation points... so I'm leaving in less than a day now, but I don't think it's hit me yet. A little sad, really (REALLY!) scared, and very excited! :) I have my huge suitcase filled up with clothes, my backpack with my In Style magazine (woo hoo!), and I'm ready to get filled up on airplane food and watch me some movies! I absolutely love airplanes and airports, but I've only flown by myself once, so we'll see how it goes. Vanessa's friend, Enqin's going to meet me at the airport and help me take the tube for the first time, so the Brits won't be able to laugh at this poor, confused girl lugging her bag around (although they still probably will).

I'm going to be in central London, really close to Picadilly Circus and the British Museum! Hopefully my flatmates will be nice and I'll be able to cook without a rice cooker... I'm a little sad I won't be fed for four months :( Thank you Vanessa for being such a great help! :) I honestly know I would be lost for hours you! Thank you soooooo much! And thank you so much to my lovely Arcadia friends- you guys are the BEST! I will miss you all so much, and thank you so much for last night!!!! :*)

OH! I even found someone to turtle-sit Oliver! My brother and him are spending their first quarter at UCI together :)

Hopefully this will be an amazing semester!! :) I can finally have a summer, since the past two months were all work and no play. bye!


At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all work and no play makes vivian a DOUGH BOY LOLZ


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