Saturday, August 26, 2006


Sorry! This is a filler entry... since I don't get internet until Tuesday! Ugh... it has cut down on my facebook addiction though :) So I've been here since Tuesday, and have seen most of the big sights. They're all within walking distance! Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, London Eye, Hyde Park... and Harrods! There's more, but I can't think of them yet. I'll put up a more complete entry later (with pictures!), since we're about to leave to go shopping. It's a bank holiday this weekend (sales woo hoo!), but we still have classes on Monday. :( Off to H&M! weeeeee
p.s. after hanging up my pictures of you lovlies back home, i really really miss you guys!
p.p.s. european keyboards ARE weird! i didn't believe it until i got here.


At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

take a pic of the keyboards and show us! =D


At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Awesome. I want to go to Europe too... hahaha. You're so lucky! Don't get lost by yourself! :D Tell me how Buckinghamn Palace and Windsor Castle are! Take care. Did you already get the London Pass thing? Oh... try and see how many European countries you can travel to in 4 months! hooray
- samuel

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

update update! :D


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