Sunday, September 10, 2006


I am living in filth. Mee Ko and Lisa (if you ever read this), I can't wait until January!

I'm sorry my entries/photos aren't very interesting... I think the types of people who go to Europe to study abroad just want to get drunk. (and not take cute pictures/go sightseeing :( )

p.s. since one of my >:l roomies wants to watch my sex and the city on my computer, the rest of this entry will have to wait until tomorrow. bye!


At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... nice. Love the repetition of "my" in your last sentence XD Haha... your roomate has a blackberry? okay. that was random. anyway, haha... I think you should tell more ppl about this site, because ppl probably don't even know about it! Alright, hope things get better!! Take care!!

At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Vivian! Yeah, I totally forgot that you had this up. Sam and Therese reminded me. But remember that this is like a xanga so just because some people might not comment doesn't mean that people aren't reading. :) I hope you're doing well! <3 Connie

At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow thats pretty messy even by my standards


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