Wednesday, September 20, 2006

east enders (not the trashy soap on bbc) and one second of fame!

I'm still listening to the Wicked soundtrack ._. Everytime any one of my roommates comes in, I'm utterly embarrassed since this loud, crazy musical music is on (all the time). In other news, Clay Aiken is not gay! or so he says lol... I just thought that was funny, since it was the top story on Thankfully, I've gotten rid of my Pink is the New blog addiction :)

Since we didn't have class today (woohoo!), Danielle and I decided to go down to Brick Lane (east end of London), which is dodgier (right Vanessa?) to check out the vintage/thrift stores. I borrowed this book called the Bargain Hunter's London, which is amazing! Especially since I'm saving up my money for faboulous clothes and trips. ^_^ So the main goal was to go to Beyond Retro, a retro clothing store that Kiera Knightly shops at. But when we got there it was so overwhelming, especially since I've never been thrift store shopping before. I found some stuff, but I'm not too comfortable with blingin' 80s garb, used shoes, or crazy prints. It felt like going through my mom's closet actually. I don't have a really good eye for these quirky stores, but when the clothes are on a manniquin, it looks so cute!

Anyhoo, we walked around Brick Lane and found SO MANY vintage stores! :) The best part is that these places washed the clothes for you already and hand picked special pieces. I found this pageboy hat that was so cute, but according to Sarah, hats always seem like a good idea, but end up in the closet. Lots of stuff was so cute, but I realized lots of the same cute stuff doesn't fit me. Okay, so the point of this whole entry was to lead up to my new favorite store... The Laden Showroom!!!!!! OMG amazing! :) It's like the Musee d'Orsay of clothes... basically, it should be illegal for all the great stuff to be there in one store. It sells independent designers, so there's like only two of each item in there. Posh spice shops there :) Every pair of shoes I tried on was SO CUTE and SO COMFORTABLE (which is sooo hard to find). I found these heels for 30 pounds and flats for 45 pounds. (cringe!) Danielle and I found so many cute tops and skirts and dresses and capelets... AHH!

Brick Lane is also famous for its Indian/Bangladeshi restaurants, so we had some curry for lunch. There's 50 curry restaurants within a one mile stretch! O_O Sadly, we went back into the Showroom and tried on more cute stuff, BUT we were good and didn't buy anything! I think we're probably going back on Saturday to actually get the stuff because we couldn't stop thinking about that store :( My poor bank account...

This this entry probably was pretty boring (if you got this far), so sorry! But if it's of any interest, I stalked who atually made it to Junior Year Abroad. If you didn't hear me tell you about it, it was this reality show they were recruiting for from NBC. So close to making it, yet so far! The asian girl they picked is going to Taiwan!!! UGH. I guess I wasn't marketable enough, but my life is not as exciting enough for reality TV (ahem Rohini!) Well the lame part of the show is that it's an online show, so it wouldn't have been on TV anyways? haha... but they did put in a blip of my audition tape in the first episode showing the other contestants who I guess didn't make it. So sadly, unlike what Andy Warhol predicted, I got only one second of fame ._.
So if you're bored, watch my one second at:

A little trivia for the Indians back home... as much as you don't like it, Indians = Asians here, Chinese/Korean/Japanese = Orienta. WTH?


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... i will never understand why shopping is so fun...

in other news, hahaha... i can't find you on that JYA website... even if it's only one second. I did however watch the S.F. girl's adventure in Taiwan... LOL. interesting...

At 1:22 PM, Blogger vivian said...

psh! i must say that orientaL mistake was corrected... blogger sucks. if you're really bored, it's on the intro clip on the website

At 12:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMGGGGG i was just on this other forum the other day about asians being called oriental... i just have to say... people there r ignorant as crap... first of all oriental describes objects or things from a region... secondly... in the past, this word was used as a derogatory term to describe "chinese, japanese, korean, etc." in the past, these asians weren't seen as equals so of course oriental (objects, which also equal lesser than human) the reason it is still used today in england IS of course... the english were some of the people who actually started using the word to describe asians. ALSO, the reason it is still used today (u may even find it used in china, taiwan, the U.S.) is because it has been used for so long that now it has just integrated into part of the english language... however... if u noticed... most of the time when the word "oriental" is used... it is used to describe pottery, bowls,FOOD... at least in the U.S. (as for the chinese in china... they use it also to describe objects... rather than themselves) as for the people in england who still use ORIENTAL... all i got to say is... they're ignorant as &*%$... if they never learned about this before... they need to go take some history about asians in western countries... like me... (i took asian american studies) sorry for the long post... but... yeahhh after reading the forum... it kinda got me >:|

but... HAVE FUN VIVIAN!! and... go tryout some more for more tv shows =D we expect to see u on tv one day!!! XD

At 12:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw.... LMAO HAHAHAHA i saw u on ur bed with that stuffed animal... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

At 12:29 AM, Blogger michael said...

ooh yay for that video!! =D =D

At 1:27 PM, Blogger vivian said...

aww i didn't mean for you to get so worked up, jon. the other chinese local people i've met don't seem to feel it's offensive at all..? but yeah, i guess it's still what remains from british imperialism.

lol... the joys of reality tv :)

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. It's like one second long. HAHA.. It goes by so fast that you actually look really good! O_O lol..

boo... screw natalie... you SO should have been the Asian to get the role... =T (I used Asian, not oriental... jon, you proud? XD w00t)

HAHAHAHA. Nice jon. Reading that actually got me to laugh XD. It's like a ginormous debate sprung up out of nowhere. good stuff good stuff. Haha... although there is some truth to what you said,... haha... who really cares about the patronizing attitude of 19th century European Imperialists. Ppl will never change, unfortunately x_X sigh...

Anyway, I'm going to go eat my oriental chicken salad now. harhar...

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LoLz sorry... i didn't mean to get so O_O about the word... hahaha it was the forum i was at that got me so worked up XP

HOPE U'RE HAVING FUN THOUGH! =DD tryout for more tv shows please! so at least i'll have something entertaining to watch over here =*(

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont see the problem with oriental. anyway, did you hear the new killers song? apparently the world premiere was in uk or something... in the mp3 i have the dj sounds like shes from there >.> figured since you're a fanatic you might know a bit more ha ha

At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:23 AM, Blogger Barry Laden said...

Thank you SO much for appreciating the work we do with young and independent designers at The Laden Showroom. We currently have 47 designers selling in the shop and we really look after them, giving them help and advice and also ensure that the prices are reasonable. Keep on shopping and many thanks!!


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