Friday, November 24, 2006

happy (day after) thanksgiving!!!

Sorry, this is a bit late, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! ^_^ It was such a great day, except I had to go to SCHOOL! This will be the only Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday when I had to go to class!!! O_O I just wanted to say that to all you Americans back home! We had a lovely dinner yesterday, which I'll talk about more. It was SO fun, although the pumpkin pie was served with raspberry and tasted more like custard. They tried though! I'm off to Salzburg in few hours, so I can't really blog much! This year has been wonderful- so many new experiences, new friends, and my lovely family and friends back at home!!! God has REALLY blessed me so much this year! :)

Take care everyone and eat loads of turkey leftovers for me!!!


At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy day after thanksgiving to you too! haha dont worry, i feel your pain. and i have my final after the day after thanksgiving, which is poo. (saturday). have fun at salzburg...sadly, i have no idear where that is. perhaps my hours of "mugging" has deterioated my noggin.

nonetheless, HAVE FUN! and see u soon! =)

<3 Q

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Toucan Sam said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! :D oO... salzburg!! have fun! see you soon!! and you can eat plenty of turkey when you get back to the US!! yahoo!! tyrosines tyrosines! =P

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Vivian! Hope you also had a chance to feast and pig out :D

The shopping was pretty crazy today...loads of parking lot rage going on in Arcadia :P

btw, I met a girl named Rita yesterday (from MBC) who said that she's in your small group at ucla! We're both missin' ya!

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, forgot to sign off on the last post.


At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy thanksgiving to you too <3 good luck with finals and have a blast traveling!! custardy pumpkin pie sounds delicious, actually =9 haha, as excited as i am for your european adventures, i'm MORE excited about seeing you when you're back (YAY, HOLIDAYS!)

big hugs from,
someone overly excited to have cake with you...jin patisserie and all that jazz =D

At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HELLO! HAPPY BLACK FRIDAY! although... it's tuesday... hahahaha =D u had a lot of food to eat! O_O bring me back some! queenie says she can't smuggle anything through singapore (since they'll chop off ur tongue for chewing gum) i think it'll be best to have U bring all of us some food! =9**** hahahaha please bring lotsa tasty food! meat is always good! >:D hope u had a great thanksgiving!!! =D

At 11:00 AM, Blogger michael said...

happy thanksgiving to you too! (though it's way past thanksgiving by now). it'll be christmas before you know it! =O


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