Saturday, September 30, 2006

small talk

Hokay, let me get this out of my system (or off my chest)... I'm not too good with these phrases. My roommates are DISGUSTING!!! Now I know use that word a lot, but this time I mean it in every sense of the word. They are EWWWW, sick, and just like WTH!?!?! Anyways, I shouldn't be too mean because it's mainly one of them which I have a problem with. The other one's dirty, but at least she's nice to me and we watch our Grey's Anatomy together. The other one is just plain awful. She yells at me whenever she's mad (for things I don't do) and stomps around the apartment. SHE IS CRAZY. So what has she done to drive me to waste my precious time to complain about her? So I go into the bathroom to take out my contact, and lo and behold, there's POOP in the toilet! Not to mention a few minutes earlier I heard her fart roaring from my bedroom (no joke). How is it possible that I got put with the most awful person on the program as my roomate? So when I ask both of them who have used the toilet last, she fesses up, but then counteracts with telling me "Can you take your BLACK hair out of the shower?" I know I'm quite the shedder, but please, didn't your mommy teach you proper bathroom etiquette?

Anyways, I'm so sorry for spending all that time ranting about her... normally I hate it when people use their blogs to whine and complain. I won't write about her anymore, especially since I'm not going to let her ruin my memories of this trip.

On Wednesday, Rachel and I went to this Fresher party for Hillsong London. They call Freshmen at unis Freshers here lol... When we got to the address, it was a bar! What?! A church party at a bar? I guess that's European style for you. We went in and met a ton of people! The funny thing is, I haven't met that many British British people (like white people), I met so many people from Switzerland, Australia, Canada, 2 guys from Ghana, this Indian girl from Hong Kong, Norway... just people from all over the world! It was crazy! One of the guys was in school for art and did installations. His next project was putting up 81 flags on my STREET! What a coincidence! But sadly, it won't be up until next September. I also met these two girls, Claudia and Colleen. Colleen is my TV soulmate. She follows Project Runway (it's Project Catwalk here) and the OC. What's really funny is that she was like "You're from California? Do you live near Laguna Beach?" So apparently everyone here is obsessed with the OC and Laguna Beach. They have this image that California is wonderful and sunny and amazing (which it is ^_^). Which brings me to my latest confessions: 1. I tell people I'm from California, not the states. 2. I'm a neuroscience major, not PSYCHObio.

On Thursday, Danielle and I went back to Covent Garden to look around the boutiques. I must say, Brick Lane was much cuter. Urban is WAY cuter here as well, but again it's much pricier. On Friday, after class, I headed over to the National Gallery. Basically, I was running away from the rain (which comes in every possible direction), and it was free! There are SO MANY paintings in there! Van Gogh's Sunflowers was one of the most crowded paintings, since there was an exhibition called Manet to Picasso. I got to see paintings by Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Raphael (no Donatello though :( ). There's another version of Virgin on the Rocks here.

This is The Ambassadors by Holbein. This may not seem that amazing at first, but what's really cool is the distorted skull on the bottom. If you walk to the right of the painting, the skull snaps into perfect proportions. (I'm trying to rotate my laptop right now, and it semi works... my flatmate must think I'm nuts)
Afterwards, I walked over to First Fruits again and met some more people in uni. We went over to Chinatown again to get some food. You have to pay extra for tea here! It was really coo talking to Will, one of the funniest Brits I've met. He was really into American culture and even asked me how to start a fraternity! He was like "Have you seen Old School?" and when I told him that it was shot at UCLA, he was like "WICKED!" Basically, everything I told him about America was "WICKED". He was also the first Brit I've met who liked American football, better than football football. O_o Now that's wicked.

So sorry this is a pictureless entry... and about the huge rant in the beginning. By next week, I've have a super entry since my flatmates and I are ditching school (only two classes) and going from Geneva to Avignon to BARCELONA!


At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha... roommate... good luck with that

barcelona should be awesome

At 8:16 PM, Blogger michael said...

haha your roommate's still not as bad as that "folger's can" girl who lived across from my friend in uop her first year. sooo nasty. =\

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeks, :( about the nasty roomie. Hope everything else overshadows her grossness!!! (ugh, that is such an un-british word!)

anyway, so jealous about your travels!!! yes, you must post loads of pics!!!!

btw, you'be probably heard from others, but H&M finally opened in Old Town! I haven't had a chance to take a peek yet...apparently there's always a line to get in! You're probably better off buying the stuff on Oxford St. anyway!

Have a lovely holiday! :D


At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOLZ owned... XP jp jp maybe ur other roommate the... "poop in the toilet" one hates u... and she's getting back at u by leaving u presents in the toilet LOLZ i say... if u can't beat them... join them... leave her something in the toilet... but remember... it's gotta be HUGE! O_O HAHAHAHAHA

At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =*( i just read one of ur comments... =*( go back and find emma watson and get her sutograph please! =D thank u!!! btw... do u ever go on aim over there?? O_o

At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awwww poor vivian! T_T ugH it must suck to have such a dirrrty poopaholic roomie X_x

but yes, dont let her ruin your time abroad! and you seem to be doing a good job of it, because it seems like you're having a BLAST!!! barcelona?!?!?! geneva?!?!?! WOOT!

aww, i miss traveling. take advantage of it now before midterm/exam season! hahaha and keep up the posts! everything looks so WICKED, lah! (haha wow, a bad mix of british and singlish.)

gooooo vivian! =D

<3 Q

At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vivian! No worries about your crappy roommate. At least it's just temporary, right? Anyhow, looks like you're having a great time! I'm soo jealous!! Prepare a million stories for me when you get back! I won't get tired hearing/reading about them!

<3 Connie


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