Saturday, December 16, 2006

the first step in coping

is denial... which is what I'm doing at this point. Everyone's been talking about leaving for the past week, but I haven't felt anything yet. I know I don't want to leave, but I'm good with these goodbyes right until the very end- then I'm a total mess. Well, let's hope in the next two hours, I'll be able to dump my food, carry my two HUGE suitcases, and say good bye to everyone without dying. It's kind of weird, since I'll still be here for three days, so London won't have seen the last of me!!!

Good bye 17B Bedford Place, I'll never live in a million dollar flat again :( I love you Russell Square!!!
Sorry no pictures this time :(
I'll see you all very very soon :)


At 9:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

excited to see you soon, Vivian! no worries, you can moan, groan, and reminisce as much as you want with me! Have a safe flight back!


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