Wednesday, July 18, 2007

wai me?

SOOOO SORRY I haven't been able to update! I've actually only had access to internet about twice a week. Part of the reason is because I'm trying to avoid spoilers for Harry Potter. It's killing me that everyone else in the world knows the ending! (Jonathan, don't get any ideas.) Well, here are some pictures... less talking more pictures!!!
Here's my apartment, Grandma Chic
View of Chiang Mai from Doi Sutep. Andrew brought us up here and gave us a little info on Buddhism. It's really interesting to learn about it since it's such a huge part of the culture here. It's 2550 right now... on the Buddhist calendar!
Bamboo worms, the French Fry of Thaialnd.
I can say I ate them and somewhat enjoyed them! Tasted a bit nutty, but deep fried and covered in spice. An alternative way of getting your protein!
Paxson, Gwen, Eugene running up the stairs to Doi Sutep, one of the most famous temples in Chiang Mai. (It's on all the postcards). Thank you UCLA for your hills and training me to walk up stairs without huffing and puffing!
Really old, but here's our fourth of July party (some of our guests). Afterwards, Kris and I heard fireworks outside (put on by the American Consulate) and ran out the door. Our friend, Jack, was confused as to why two American girls were so excited from seeing them in the sky.
Picture of us playing in the waterfall during English Camp. Peace signs everywhere! I got soaked about ten minutes later!

I'm about to head out to Walking Street, which is THE place to be on Sunday night in Chiang Mai. It's a big night market with almost anything you can imagine to buy. The only downside is that that's where I see all the farangs (foreigners) and tourists. Otherwise, I never run into them! :)

<3 vivian


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

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At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The book is pretty darn good. That's all I have to say. Look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks? =)

<3 Connie

At 2:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

/agree with connie on harry potter

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha yayy you updated! looks fun! see you sooooon!!!!!

<3 Q

At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so in the end of harry potter...

HAHAHA good job on eating the bugs... i approve... except... u don't have the pix of u eating the bugs so... i do not approve.. >:| hahahaha oh... so at the end of harry potter...




be a man.... O_O

At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

viviannn! thanks for the postcard!!! hahaha it came way earlier but i havent been home for a while and havent really checked my stash of mail either!!! =)

hope all is well! when are u coming home? i crave the beach!

<3 Q


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