Saturday, December 16, 2006

the first step in coping

is denial... which is what I'm doing at this point. Everyone's been talking about leaving for the past week, but I haven't felt anything yet. I know I don't want to leave, but I'm good with these goodbyes right until the very end- then I'm a total mess. Well, let's hope in the next two hours, I'll be able to dump my food, carry my two HUGE suitcases, and say good bye to everyone without dying. It's kind of weird, since I'll still be here for three days, so London won't have seen the last of me!!!

Good bye 17B Bedford Place, I'll never live in a million dollar flat again :( I love you Russell Square!!!
Sorry no pictures this time :(
I'll see you all very very soon :)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

quick picks

I know I've been neglecting this, but here are some snippets of my fabulous life... (this will be quick since I'm trying to 'study')
Oxford/Regent Street lighting!Covent Garden Lighting- ugliest Christmas tree ever! O_O Seeing the Lion King, Chicago, and Emma Bunton! (Baby spice... if I were in 5th grade, I'd be freaking out)Slides at the Tate- a new installment with slides that come down from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels!!! VERY fast!

London Jazz Festival- Free!! woo hoo!
Thanksgiving in London- I had to go to school that day... hopefully the last time that will ever happen! We had a lovely dinner at the hotel near by, and we got to boogie down with our professors (hopefully that LAST time that'll ever happen too).
Thanksgiving cookies from CARLIN :) :) The only person who has remembered me these past four months (it was pretty sad checking that empty mail box)
And they call this pumpkin pie... with raspberry and cream?
Alaistair (aka Prof. Owens) getting jiggy wit it
Santa Barbara girls = peroxide invasion
Prof. Toms getting squished

I'm so sad that I'm leaving in less than two weeks! :( :( But not sad that I won't be living in this dirty apartment. and getting out of this drama (why are girls such smacktalking mean people?)
*Still to come: adventures in Salzburg, Brussells, Amsterdam, Luxemborg, JUDE LAW

Sunday, December 03, 2006

gooooo bruins!!!!!!

We WON!!!!!! ^-^

henry, usc, is here with me sulking
erica, ucla, is excited with me!!!
in brussells right now, looking like a crazy because i'm squealing with delight!
(why is it that the one quarter i'm away, we beat SC!!!!)

p.s. updates with pictures are coming soon!!! it took me 10 min to write these two sentences... crazy belgian keyboard!!