Wednesday, June 24, 2009

hello, halo, molo!

hello again after two long years!!
here are some photos from the past whirlwind week from ruhpolding, germany and port elizabeth, south africa!

Becky and max in the fairytale forest... it was just like that scene in twilight where edward unveils his sparkly skin.Max and his grandma (oma in german) making homemade weiner schnitzel. Sooooo delicious! I gained at least 5 pounds from all the pretzels, cheese, spatzle... my mouth is watering at the though of it right now!Me, oma, and Susie on the boat ride on Chimsee, a river, to see a castle! The same king built the castle that Sleeping Beauty's was based.

Now onto PE!

So to our surprise and delight, we were right on the beach!! That's our flat and the distance from it to the ocean. Our first morning, Susie and I woke up to Annie and Becky's "NAHH SA BENYA" (remember from the Lion King?) Yup we're in Africa!!  

Here we are in Port Elizabeth central. Apparently it's a pretty bad area of town, but luckily we wandered around and got back to our car (a cute little Honda Jazz btw) safely. We didn't know it was dodgy until we heard from locals the next day. oops :X

So Susie met a Korean couple at the grocery store, who introduced her to Korean missionaries. We went with them to church on Sunday, where we sat in on Sunday school and played with the kids afterwards! Their church is in a township, which is where the black had to live during apartheid. The people live in shacks, there is trash everywhere, chickens and cows running amok, and people drinking at 10am. It's much like Slumdog, and quite shocking the quickly the difference from the cities to townships are.
Make a face! Hopefully this will be the cover of Harvard Dental Bulletin :p 

Some of the kids posing with their Bibles. They also rocked import model poses with our rental car.
Other accomplishments that I'll write about soon!!
-driving on the left side of the road! 
-learning a different words and different clicks in Xhosa (sounds like click-kosa)
-not managing to fall off a running ostrich, have videos, will load soon!

the ostrich pecked becky's head right before the pic!! eek!
-hopefully, learning to surf!! 


At 12:13 AM, Blogger Rita said...

keep updating! i love your pics and i miss you loads. :)

At 7:11 PM, Blogger MK said...

hurray for the return of the blog! keep it up! :) :)


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